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Strapless Gown
Posted by GraceP
11/24/2014  8:54:00 PM
I'm fairly new to ballroom and don't know all the rules yet. Can one wear a strapless gown for a smooth competition or is that too promlike? Thanks in advance
Re: Strapless Gown
Posted by Clary
11/25/2014  7:54:00 AM
One of the things that announces to everyone that you are a "newbie" is to wear a strapless dress. Invariably, the woman spends her time tugging it up, and she typically limits her movement in order to keep her dress up.
A lot of people discount the following, but my suggestion is to wear something that has the right kind of "weighted movement" - a leotard and a character skirt would work. And I DON'T mean some tired, worn-out set of practice wear. You can get some fresh and interesting selections at ballet shops or at online dancewear sites. There are some sites that specialize in ballroom/latin practice/performance wear, if you have a slightly larger budget.

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